Solutions dédiées E.A.U
For companies operating in the UAE

HR Solutions dedicated to the United Arab Emirates

GenTa International offers HR solutions tailored to the market of the United Arab Emirates. We provide HR support services to companies, including the issuHance of visas and temporary work permits, as well as sponsoringg for V.I.E. (Volontariat International en Entreprise). Our aim is to assist companies in optimizing their human capital to succeed in the UAE market.


HR support for business
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Mission Visa
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V.I.E hosting (solution for French companies only)
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Notre façon de travailler
Step 1 : HR Support for Businesses

The specialized expertise of our local team

For businesses already established in the UAE, outsourcing certain support functions offers numerous advantages. From our headquarters in Dubai, GenTa International offers HR function management. We can also leverage our network of partners in the UAE if you wish to outsource accounting and legal functions as well.

icon obtention visa

Visa Acquisition

Management of all administrative procedures for obtaining visas for your employees and their dependents, if applicable.
icon registre paie

Payroll Service

Management of your employees' payroll, including payroll register generation, preparation of the SIF file for WPS payment, salary disbursement, and issuance of pay slips.
icon reduction couts

Cost and Risk Reduction

Entrusting these services to GenTa International allows you to reduce your overhead costs and risks, as we provide guarantees of quality and compliance.
icon page portage salarial

Employee Sponsorship

For companies that have reached their quota of available visas on their license, you can take advantage of GenTa International's Employer of Record services, thus avoiding the need to change your license with associated costs.
Step 2 : Mission Visa

Ensuring your employees can carry out their mission in full compliance

When one of your projects requires employees from your company to travel to the United Arab Emirates to successfully complete a mission over a short period, in accordance with local labor laws, GenTa International can provide them with a temporary residence permit and work permit.


This temporary work permit, known as a Mission Visa, guarantees that your employees can carry out their mission in full compliance with the country’s regulations. Valid for a duration of 3 months, the Mission Visa can be renewed once for an additional 3 months without leaving the country.

insertion professionnelle et solidaire - Administratif et législatif
Step 3 : Hosting V.I.E

GenTa International ensures the support and hassle-free management of your V.I.E in compliance

GenTa International’s structure in the United Arab Emirates is a service provider for Team France Export, as referenced by Business France for Hosting solutions (Employer of Record services), which includes administrative, logistical, and security support for V.I.E.

Solutions dédiées EAU étape 2
When you decide to entrust GenTa International with the local administrative responsibility of your V.I.E, we provide :

Administratif & législatif

Obtaining a Mission Visa for your employees based on your situation

GenTa International, with its « On Demand Labor Supply » activity license, is able to obtain a Mission Visa for your employees in two scenarios :


You do not have a legal entity in the UAE and need to send an employee on a mission.


You have a legal entity in the UAE, but you need to bring a contractually employed employee from another country.

Key Figures
The GenTa Group in a few numbers
individuals in international employee portage
trusted clients
countries of presence to find the best profiles
years of expertise
Benefit from resource outsourcing
Entrust us with your HR cycle to focus on operations
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