Portage salarial
Employer of Record services

Having employees in a country without a legal entity

GenTa International offers you the option to entrust the employment of your foreign employees to us.

With our presence in Africa, the Middle East, and the Levant, and through our activity licenses (temporary employment), GenTa International can legally handle the administrative employment of our clients’ employees. We provide flexible and fast solutions to enable you to operate in a country and develop your activities and export growth without constraints.


Your needs
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Social & fiscal framework
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Logistics & Support
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Portage salarial etape1
Step 1 : Your needs

Having operational presence without restrictions

Regardless of the seniority, size, or industry sector, our clients turn to the services of GenTa International when they need operational presence in a specific country.

GenTa International enables its clients to operate in an « asset-light » manner, focusing exclusively on their operations while outsourcing the administrative and logistical aspects of the employee HR lifecycle.

icon pas de presence physique

No physical presence

You do not have and do not wish to have a branch or subsidiary in a country.
icon reorganiser international

International reorganization

You want to liquidate your legal entity in a country but retain your employees there.
icon bureau representation

Representative office

You are not allowed to conduct professional activities in a country under this legal form.
icon missions ponctuelles

Short-term assignments

You have won a project in a country for a specific duration and you are looking for a solution to employ your consultants there.
Step 2 : Social & fiscal framework

Straightforward social & fiscal framework

Working under the sponsorship of one of our local structures, your employees benefit from a clearly defined social and tax framework that complies with our legal obligations as administrative employers in the country of deployment.


At the same time and through our activity licenses (temporary work), you remain the primary employer of your employees from an operational point of view.

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GenTa International provides the following services for your employees :

Step 3 : Logistics & Support
GenTa International provides logistics and support for your employees

With the aim of enabling our clients to be fully operational, GenTa International offers a range of services for your employees before their deployment and once they are on-site.

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icon duty of care

Duty of care

Our security partners ensure that our clients meet legal and regulatory obligations for employee protection through pre-mobilization training.
icon demenagement international

International relocation

Our partner assists in the deployment of your employees, offering dedicated services including planning, packing, shipping, customs clearance, delivery, and installation.


We provide fully equipped workspaces with various services based on your needs. We can either accommodate your employees in our own offices or rent a dedicated office in a preferred location.


To eliminate the need for your employees to incur expenses in the local currency, which are included in the conditions of their deployment, we can arrange vehicle rentals, accommodations, and the purchase of any necessary equipment.
Key Figures
The GenTa Group in a few numbers
individuals in international employee portage
trusted clients
countries of presence to find the best profiles
years of expertise
Benefit from resource outsourcing
Entrust us with your HR cycle to focus on operations
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